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The John Geary Cup 2023

A very hot and close competition was played on Sat 9th Sept and was won by team OHIO.

Click below for John Geary page for team OHIO photo.

Competitions Update from Mike Walsh

A short update now that we are nearing the end of the Summer Season.

Bank Holiday Monday saw a well supported 2 woods 11 ends competition with a comeback win (5 – 1 down after 6 ends) for Ann Bryant over Neil Fletcher on the extra 12th end. Proves that on the day everyone is beatable so all you inexperienced players take heart and enter competitions. The day’s results will be on the website shortly.

 Thank you to all those that have entered the John Geary Cup on Saturday 09th September,

It has been the biggest entry ever so much so that we are over-subscribed! The format will be 16 Triple Teams spread across 4 divisions of 4 teams each division. This will guarantee that all participants will play three 55 minute or 7 ends games with the top team from each division playing in the semi-finals followed by the final. This will make for a full days play with food being available (cheese or ham Ploughmans). The food sign-up sheet is on the main notice board so please get your name down by Friday 01st Sept to enable Gill to estimate numbers. With it being a full day, if anyone now feels there may be too much bowling for them then please let me know ASAP as I do have reserves following the draw made on Monday by Peter Blake. The teams listings will be promulgated both online and on the main notice board by Wednesday evening.

Once again thank you for all your support, it was great to see so many people watching the final yesterday.

Best Regards, Mike Walsh


Click below to go to the 2 Woods 11 Ends Page for final results and photo :-

S&D Mens Championship Div 2 Report :-

Lockswood enjoyed an incredible season, culminating in promotion to the top Division of the S&D League. 

Click on the link below to read Brian Ford's report on the season.



The link below is to a spreadsheet from Mike Walsh showing the results and details of the finals matches played on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th.



Click below to view the Photo Gallery of the Finals winners/competitors.

                            LOCKSWOOD LADIES JUST MISS OUT!

The Lockswood Ladies’ team have enjoyed a very good run in the Bowls Hampshire Thornbery Competition this year.

This is a knock-out competition consisting of two rinks of four players.

The ladies were drawn at home for their first-round tie against Meon Valley which they won. 

This was followed by another home game against Banister Park which they also won. These two wins ensured their place in the Area Final. Which was held on Sunday 30th July at Banister Park, against the ladies’ team from Mayfield Park.

Although our ladies began slowly and at one point both of our rinks were 12 – 3 down, everyone played really well to come back and made it a very close game overall.

Jan Collins’s Team, including, Maxeen Fletcher, Dilys Lillywhite and Janet Haynes eventually lost 19 – 20.

Carol Windust’s Team of Sylvia Switzer, Ann Trousdale and Vi Oliver drew back to make a score of 13 all but, were pipped on the last two ends to eventually lose 13 – 17.

Overall, Lockswood Ladies lost by just 5 shots which meant that Mayfield Park are through to the County Final at the end of August. Congratulations to them.

Everyone played so well in all the rounds of this competition.  The weather was not ideal on the finals day as there was drizzle for a lot of the time.

 However, Janet would like to thank all those who played in the team plus the reserves who included, Sue Coates, Sam Simpson, Kay Walsh and Ann Bryant, for a very successful run.

Well done everyone!

Carol Windust

(On behalf of Lady Captain Janet Haynes and all the Lockswood Ladies’ Team)

A very enjoyable Lady Captains Day was held at Lockswood on Sunday 23rd July

Click on the link below to view the photo album.

Captain Pugwash's strong Pimm's helped(?) the bowling!

S&D Ladies Latest Results

Links have now been added on the S&D Ladies League pages that go to the S&D Website pages for the latest results.


A very successful Presidents Day was held at Lockswood on Sunday 9th July

Click on the link below to view the photo album.

The WBA 75th Anniversary was hosted at Lockswood on Sunday 2nd July

Click on the link below to view the photo album.

WBA President V Vice President on 25th June 2023 hosted at Lockswood.

Click on the link below to view the photo album.

                     More Ladies News!!

A few ladies from Lockswood have entered some Bowls Hampshire competitions.  Most for first time.  So far we have had a great time and have managed to get though to the Area Finals in some matches.   

Bowls Hampshire Fours

Gwen Green, Sue Coates, Janet Haynes and Sylvia Switzer – are through to Area Finals on 26 June at Piirrie Park 

Bowls Hampshire Triples

Kay Walsh, Sue Coates and Sylvia Switzer – are through to Area Finals on 27 June at Piirrie Park

Bowls Hampshire Pairs

Sylvia Switzer and Gwen Green – managed to get through to 3rd round and lost to a very good Andover team

Bowls Hampshire Golden Girls

Kay Walsh and Sue Coates – are through to the 2nd round

Bowls Hampshire Four Wood Singles

Maxine Fletcher – though to Area Finals on 4 July at Pierre Park

Bowls Hampshire Benevolent Triples

Sylvia Switzer, Kay Walsh and Sue Coates – 1st round to be arranged.


Regards - Sylvia

                     The Golden Girls!!

Four Lockswood Ladies ventured out to Southbourne Bowling Club on Sunday 11 June to take part in their Open Fours  Tournament.  This was a first for all four ladies. (Sylvia Switzer, Gwen Green, Kay Walsh and Sue Coates)  We had to have a team name and called ourselves the Golden Girls.


The format for the competition was each team playing six ends over six matches.  Thirteen teams had entered.  The competition kicked off in overcast, but warm and sultry conditions – however, the weather changed drastically towards the middle of the afternoon and the last two ends were played in a downpour!


Our efforts paid off, and were surprised and overjoyed to take second place winning £100!

It  was a great day, and we agreed it was well worth getting soaking wet for!


G&F Presidents Day 11th June 2023

hosted at Lockswood.

Click on the link below to view the photo album.


 Click on the link below to go to the 3 Woods 7 Ends page to view the Results spreadsheet and the photos of the day




Click the link below to view the photos from Alistair. (opens as a photo album)

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