December 2021 News
Important Cancellation
Message from
the Club Captain
Lockswood Bowling Club,
would like to wish all our friends in the County, Southampton and District
and Gosport and Fareham,
a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Hats Off to the Return of
The Winter Warmer!
The Annual Winter Warmer returned to Lockswood on Sunday 12th December, and what a great come back everyone from the Southampton and District made of it after a gap of two years.
Despite a drizzly and murky start, there was great merriment and Christmas spirit, made all the more special by the vast array of Fancy Dress costumes and Christmas jumpers worn by the competitors. Particularly noticeable this year was the variety of Christmas Hats on show, which added to the spectacle and brightened up the day.
The activities began with a "Spider" the winner of which was Carol Staton from Meon Valley.
Everyone played a rinks game of fifteen ends on seven rinks. The teams this year were mixed from the Southampton and District and Lockswood and were randomly chosen to be in either a red or white team. There was much friendly banter between the teams and the game was clearly enjoyed by everyone. It was lovely to be able to get together with all our friends from the district.
The prize for the Best Fancy Dress went to Alistair Ford from Lockswood who, in his Shepherd's outfit, looked very authentic, even though his sheep were absent!
The game was followed by drinks and hot dogs in the clubhouse where the merriment continued as we chatted to friends.
Many thanks go to Adie Booth for organising the event along with Walter Metcalf who presided over the day and brought a finale to his events as the Southampton and District President for the last two years.
Thanks also go to the catering staff, Gill Grindey, Sheila McKenzie, Sylvia Horrigan and Walter for all their hardwork in the kitchen and Bob Prince our Club Captain who ran the bar. It was much appreciated by us all.
Thanks also go to Rod Maxted for his help and acting as the photographer for the day.
Many thanks to all the members of the district who supported the day and who helped to get us all in the festive spirit.
Please view our Gallery Page for more photographs of the day.
MerryChristmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!
The Webmaster's Yearly Round - Up is now available to view by clicking HERE or by clicking on the relevant button of the Useful Documents Page.
Please let me know of any inconsistencies.
Thank you
Carol Windust - Webmaster.