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April 2020 news

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Click here for a very special tribute, to the late Dave Burden

Dave Burden 10.jpg


Please be sure to check the Information and Announcements page of the website in order to receive all updates on plans for returning to bowls.

At present there is a new update from Rod Maxted  28/04/2020.


When normal service is resumed the Latest News Page will revert to the main page for information. 



Welcome to our ...


stay in touch pages

Staying in touch, an update.

I am pleased to say, that since it's launch, this page has been a great success. I would like to thank all those, who have contributed, from the puzzle setters, the memory jerkers, the humorists and even those who like to display their baby bottoms!
Don't forget, we are looking for photographs of the emblem on your bowls, in order to start a "whose bowls" competition. We would also like photographs showing how you are coping (or not), with the lock down. This can be , things you are doing, items you have made, anecdotes, etc, etc. Some people have put a great deal of effort into what they have sent for inclusion and it would be nice to get some feed back from members. If you would like to comment on anything, please email using the link below. Only positive comments please!
This page has become so popular that it has outgrown itself, therefore to make items easier to find, I have split the pages and added the links below.

Can't Wait To Be Back To Normal?


May be a few thoughts first.........

Maxeen's Normal? Piece.jpg

These thoughts were sent in by Maxeen Fletcher.


I'm sure the last few weeks have made us all take stock and given us time to reflect on life.

The Grass Surround

This article was sent in by Dilys Lillywhite.  It is an article from Chatter 2007 about the beginnings of the Club Gardens.


Some of you may remember it and for new members it is very interesting to see how our lovely gardens have developed.

Garden Article from Dilys.jpg


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