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March 2020 News

Tuesday 24th March 2020

with immediate effect,

the clubhouse and green are fully closed

until further notice.

Jan Collins - President

S&DWBA update 20:03:20.jpg

Lockswood Members,

Please click here for an


with regard to the


Information regarding payment of subscriptions

For those people wondering about the payment of Subscriptions for 2020, we would hope that existing members will continue to support Lockswood Bowling Club by paying their Annual Subscription as usual.


The following is a quote from Bowls England following the Coronavirus situation, which endorses this position.


 Quote:- "Bowls England recognises that many clubs will be facing a difficult season ahead and there will be a number of areas in which they require support in 2020"   Unquote.


One of the areas highlighted is by:-


QUOTE:- "Encouraging members to support their clubs financially by continuing to pay their annual subscriptions - in order that the clubs will be there for them when we are able to resume bowling." Unquote.








Lockswood Bowling Club Coronavirus Guidance            

Committee Decision on Coronavirus 16:03:

Important Information Regarding Subs Night

Subs Night Covid 19.jpg


Due to the current situation it has been decided to cancel Whist next week, Tuesday 17th March.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

Spring Triples Cancellation

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Ladies' Night

Hi Ladies


Just to let you know, that, Ladies' Night on Friday 20th March has been cancelled.

This is for the reasons listed in my previous two postings.

So sorry Ladies, you will have to keep your lovely hats for another time.


I would like to add on behalf of Eve and all the ladies' who have attended the Ladies' Nights during the winter, our many thanks to Joy, Dilys, Maxeen, Sheena, and  Margaret for all their hard work in making the evenings such fun.


A great job as usual girls!






Hi Ladies,


The S&D Ladies' Committee have decided to postpone the Coffee Morning due to be held on Wednesday 18th March, until later in the year.  This is due to the Coronavirus, as cross contamination cannot be guaranteed in such a confined area.


They apologise for any inconvenience caused, but, nothing is more important than health.

I am sure you will all agree this is a wise decision.





Please Note:-

The Shuffleboard Evening due to take place on

Monday 16th March has been CANCELLED.  

This is for precautionary health reasons, due to Coronavirus, as everyone will be in a confined area. Those of you who have attended this event before, will know that it can be quite crowded.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused, for any other information regarding refund, etc: please contact, Pete Wilkinson.


Thank you.

Southampton and District Bowling Association.



Please watch out for the following on your noticeboard at the Club:-

Dates for Bowls Hampshire and the Southampton and District for 2020.


Also, the Entry Forms for the S&D Competitions, the closing date of which is the 17th May 2020.  The Entry Fee for competitions this year is free as it is the S&D's Centenary Year.




Southampton and District Bowling Association



The Entry Forms for this year's S&DWBA Competitions are now displayed on the Ladies' Noticeboard at the Club.  Please note that the Closing Date is Friday 8th May to allow all entries to reach the Competition Secretary before 25th May.


Many thanks,


Ladies' Practice poster 2020.jpg

Calling all Members!

Please Note:-  


Subscription Letters for the 2020Season are now available for collection in the Clubhouse, ahead of Subs night,  which is, Wednesday 18th March 2020.


The Winter Competitions Group Stages are complete and are now available to view on the appropriate pages or by clicking on the

links here and here.


The Quarter Final Draw can also be viewed on the Pairs and Singles pages.

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